The training record of our virology trainers is outstanding and is the best measure of our ability to attract outstanding predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees and provide them excellence in training in virology. The largest fraction of our past trainees, who have finished their training, now hold faculty positions (Assistant, Associate or full Professors) at academic institutions . These faculty include ones at top academic research institutions in the US including Duke, Fox Chase, Harvard, MIT, Yale, Michigan State University the Sloan Kettering and the Moffitt cancer centers, the Universities of Houston, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio State, Washington, and Wisconsin. A total of 46 former trainees or 33% of our former trainees over that period who have finished their training, have acquired faculty positions. Furthermore, 91% of these past trainees who have finished their training currently work in the biomedical sciences (including faculty, scientists in academia and research institutes, scientists in biomedical industry, and clinicians or veterinarians). The remaining 9% (12 out of 139) include 4 patent lawyers, 2 science writers/science consultants, an editor of Cell and 6 individuals who have either left science currently because of family reasons or are deceased. Importantly, of the 14 VTG (5 predocs/9 postdocs) trainees who have now completed their training, 4 hold faculty positions in academia, 5 hold scientist positions in academia, 4 work in industry and one works in IP. Thus our trainees supported by the VTG have been equally successful. Altogether, this is an impressive record of achievement in training and provides evidence that our training program in virology provides an outstanding environment to provide excellence in training for the next generation of virologists. The VTG is a critical reason for this success.
Former Predoctoral Trainees
Valjean R. Bascot-Davis, PhD
Position title: Palmenberg Laboratory 2008-2014
Ryan T. Behrens
Position title: Sherer Laboratory 2012-Current
Andrew J. Bennett
Position title: Goldberg Laboratory 2014-2017
Nathaniel M. Byers, PhD
Position title: Friesen Laboratory 2010-2016
Reza Djavadian, PhD
Position title: Johanssen Laboratory 2012-2018
Adam J. Ericsen, PhD
Position title: D. O'Connor Laboratory 2011-2016
Anthony P. Hanson, PhD
Position title: Kawaoka Laboratory 2010-2015
Jacqueline Jackson, MS
Position title: Kenney Laboratory 2011-2013
Chad Kuny, PhD
Position title: Kalejta Laboratory 2007-2014
Alexandra Law-Torres
Position title: Lambert Laboratory 2012-Current
Justin T. Massey, PhD, MD
Position title: Ahlquist Laboratory 2009-2016
Patrick R. Menden, MS
Position title: Lambert Laboratory 2010-2013
Ruben Moreno
Position title: Lambert Laboratory 2015-Current
Patrick Nyman, PhD
Position title: Lambert Laboratory 2010-2017
Jessica Reusch, PhD
Position title: Mertz Laboratory 2008-2014
Adam Swick, PhD
Position title: Yin Laboratory 2008-2014
Melba M. Tejera, PhD
Position title: Suresh Laboratory 2008-2014
Andrea C. Timm, PhD
Position title: Yin Laboratory 2008-2013
Kelly Watters, PhD
Position title: Palmenberg Laboratory 2009-2014
Coral K. Wille, PhD
Position title: Kenney Laboratory 2009-2015
Former Postdoctoral Trainness
Desiree A. Benefield, PhD
Position title: Ahlquist Laboratory
Arturo Diaz, PhD
Position title: Ahlquist Laboratory
Jamiee C. Eckers, PhD
Position title: Kimple Laboratory
Stacy R. Hagemeier, PhD
Position title: Kenney Laboratory
Derek A. Jacobs, PhD
Position title: Kalejta Laboratory
Robert A. Pugh, PhD
Position title: Ahlquist Laboratory
Megan E. Spurgeon, PhD
Position title: Lambert Laboratory
Jay W. Warrick, PhD
Position title: Yin Laboratory