Pre-Doctoral Nominations

Nomination Requirements and Instructions

PRE-DOCTORAL Trainee Requirements for the Virology Training Program:

  • Must be carrying out virology-related research
  • Must be a US citizen, noncitizen national, or permanent resident of the US
  • Must complete 10 credits of course work from the following:  Biology of Viruses; General Virology-Multiplication of Viruses; Host-Parasite Relationships in Vertebrate Viral Disease; Carcinogenesis and Tumor Cell Biology; Immunology of Infectious Diseases; Molecular Virology Seminar, or other approved coursework
  • Must complete Oncology 715, Ethics in Science, or an equivalent ethics course
  • Must participate and present in the Molecular Virology Seminar (held on Thursdays at 12 noon)
  • Must participate and present in the Cancer Biology Student and Postdoc Seminar (held on Mondays at 3:30 pm)
  • Must participate in designated training grant activities such as the preparation of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) and attendance at the Virology Symposium in La Crosse, WI
  • Must participate in the writing and critiquing of manuscripts for publication
  • Must present his/her work at national meetings
  • Must meet with certification committee on an annual basis
  • Must provide an annual progress report and acknowledge the training grant in any publications (T32 AI078985)

To nominate PRE-DOCTORAL trainees for support from this training grant, please provide the following:

Please include the following materials with the nomination package for new or continuing support:

To be completed by the mentor:

  • A letter of recommendation from the student’s Ph.D. Advisor commenting on student’s performance in the laboratory, likelihood for publication, and career in virology; indicate funding available to the trainee to carry out his/her research by providing your up-to-date “Other Support” (it is a requirement that trainers have competitively awarded extramural support); please also indicate where the student is an underrepresented minority. Nominations for continuing support should describe how the trainee has fulfilled the criteria for their participation in our training program and how they have progressed in their education (PDF emailed to

To be completed by the trainee:

  • Application Form:
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Max. file size: 24 MB.
    • Max. file size: 24 MB.
    • Max. file size: 24 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.