

Become a Scientific Teaching Fellow
The Scientific Teaching Fellows Program is a year-long program for postdocs and graduate students to learn about and develop innovative and effective ways to teach biology. Teaching Fellows learn about research-based teaching approaches in a course on college science teaching, work with faculty mentors and other partners to develop instructional materials that engage students in active learning, and then team teach a course for first-year students. Questions? Contact Dr. Cara Theisen (chtheisen@wisc.edu), Teaching Fellows Program Director. Apply here by 11/15.

Did Your Students Learn What You Wanted Them To? Writing Effective Learning Outcomes
Wednesday 11/8 1:00pm-2:30pm. BioCommons 110A/B. Register here.

Active Teaching Lab: Interactive Content
Friday 11/9 8:30am-9:45am. 120 Middleton Building. Register here.

Active Teaching Lab: Watching Yourself Teach
Thursday 11/15 1:00pm-2:00pm. Room 302, Middleton Building. Register here.