Professional Development-April 2019

Biological samples are pictured in the virology lab of Paul Ahlquist, professor of molecular virology, oncology and plant pathology, at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (WID) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Nov. 28, 2011. The lab is part of the private, nonprofit Morgridge Institute for Research. (Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-Madison)

Last Steps to Completing the PhD Degree

Tuesday, April 2, 1:00–2:30pm

Learn about the Graduate School’s requirements for completing your PhD and depositing your dissertation, and get information to help you make decisions about your thesis publishing options.

Register here:

Hacking the Academic Job Market

Tuesday, April 9, 3:00–4:30pm

In this live, interactive webinar exclusive to UW–Madison, Karen Kelsky, “The Professor Is In”, walks you through the conditions of the current academic job market, the most common mistakes made by job-seekers, and the ways you can maximize your chances of success while looking for a tenure-track job.

Register here:

Mastering Academic Time Management

Thursday, April 11, 1:00–2:30pm (online event)
This NCFDD webinar addresses successfully transitioning from grad student to professor. Specifically, participants will learn how to manage their time (to align work with institutional and personal priorities, to create time for writing and research) and how to organize a network of support and accountability for productivity and balance.

Activate your free membership and access the webinar here: 

Understanding and Resolving Conflicts: An Approach for Graduate Students

Thursday, April 11, 4:00–5:15pm

We experience conflict every day, ranging from small miscommunications to seemingly intractable values-based conflicts. This workshop will explore the ways conflict shows up in our lives, and effective strategies and resolution practices to engage in.

Register here:


Please see the Graduate School Events Calendar for a campus-wide list of professional development events for graduate students: