T32 Competitive Application: Tables 1 and 6A Name of Participating Graduate Program Cancer Biology CMB CMP Comparative Biomedical Sciences Microbiology MCP Total number of faculty trainers (PIs) in your graduate program? Indicate particapating T32 faculty mentors that are also PIs in your graduate program (click all that apply). Paul Ahlquist Kristen Bernard Evie Carchman David Evans Thomas Friedrich James Gern Tony Goldberg Jenny Gumperz Eric Johannsen Robert Kalejta Shannon Kenney Randall Kimple Paul Lambert Andrew Mehle Janet Mertz Donna Neumann David O'Connor Shelby O'Connor Ann Palmenberg Aurelie Rakotondrafara Matthew Reynolds Nathan Sherer Robert Striker William Sugden Marulasiddappa Suresh Ryan Westergaard Elizabeth Wright Total number of graduate students in your graduate program at the start of the 2019-20 academic year (include rotators)? Total number of graduate students supported by T32 training awards (include rotators)? Total number of T32 grant eligible graduate students in your graduate program (include rotators)? For Fall 2018, please list the name, prior undergraduate college/university, undergrad GPA, estimate the months of full-time research, and note if they are a URM for all students that matriculated into your program (e.g. 1) Jane Done, UW-Madison, 4.0, 24 months, URM; 2) John Smith, UMN-Twin Cities, 3.2, 12 months).EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.